1st National Geographical Signs Meeting was held in TURK PATENT

1st National Geographical Signs Meeting was held in TURK PATENT

1st National Geographical Signs Meeting, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Faruk ÖZLÜ participated in the Turkish Patent and Trademark Organization. Denizli Chamber of Commerce took its place in the event and introduced Buldan Cloth Products which were patented by Buldan Chamber of Commerce in its own booth.

Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Faruk FLUX, declaring that currently resides geographical indication registration of 204 products in Turkey, "his work on this issue of our Ministry, shows that we have a geographical indication potential of over 2 thousand 500. Therefore, to act together with all stakeholders on this issue important is . " said.

Minister ÖZLÜ participated in the 1. 1st National Geographical Signs Meeting etkin organized by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Agency (TÜRKPATENT).

Geographical sign protection, indicating that the economic aspect is very important Asan, it is not limited to the economy alone, he said. Every region in Turkey's unique climate, topography, soil properties and products found in voicing Minister FLUX, when exiting the country with these products alongside the economic value or the protected rural development, he said.

Minister ÖZLÜ pointed out that it is very important to register and protect the local products as geographical signs. Currently that geographical indication registration of 204 products in Turkey and this figure Ministers underlined what he saw as the beginning FLUX, "his work on this issue of our Ministry, shows that we have a geographical indication potential of over 2 thousand 500. A value that you forget that protection over time Therefore, it is important that all stakeholders on this issue act together. " he said.

- "Proprietary product sold 20 percent more expensive"

Products that are subject to geographic signs, similar to the more expensive and higher value added that the Minister Minister ÖZLÜ, according to research, a product with a geographical sign registration, 20 percent higher than a similar product could find buyers at a higher price stressed. Despite the price difference, the product with geographic mark protection, consumers are attracted more attention by the Minister ÖZLÜ, "Because of the consumer's interest and price difference, these products can be put on the market forged counterfeits. Here only the deceived consumers are not harmed. in time, these developments are adversely affected. Worst of all, the product may disappear over time. Geographical indication protection can be the subject of our products should be well identified, we need to take measures to protect them. used.

Minister ÖZLÜ stated that if the necessary importance is given to geographical signs, many benefits can be obtained, consumers will be more oriented to products with superior properties and thus the added value of the products will increase over time. Minister ÖZLÜ pointed out that this would increase the income of those regions as well as increase the employment in rural areas and slow down the migration towards the cities. to increase and reduce our current deficit is also important. " found.

- "We are ready to cooperate with all provinces"

President of TURKPATENT Dr. Habip ASAN said that geographical signs are anonymous rights and they are regarded as common values ​​of society. Tek There is no monopoly right. These are the common values ​​of society and all of us. In this sense, municipalities, governorships and producer associations applying for geographical signs make these applications on our behalf. It only uses the prestige of making this application. There is no question of any monopoly rights ”.

Geographical signs, a significant reputation, recognition, feature, quality, and limited to a certain geographical area that includes products that convey. ASAN, geographical signs of origin and mahreç as registration by describing the origin of the geographical sign Malatya Apricot, Giresun Tombul Hazelnut, the geographical sign of the Antep Baklavas can be given as an example, he said.

Geographical signs, "high value-added agricultural products," he made the analogy. ASAN, gave information about the institution's work on this issue. In developed countries, the income obtained from geographical indications, noted that higher. "In a report published in 2013, an added value of approximately 55 billion euros is created from the geographical signs in the EU. About 60 percent of this value is consumed in the EU countries and the rest is exported. The increase in geographical sign registration and the registered geographical signs in our country we need to work effectively to increase the added value. " said.

Underlining that Turkey's wand last 5 years ranked first in Europe in the trademark application, but added touchnoted that the desired point in creating high-end brands. Expressing the importance of increasing registration is very important. ASAN stated that they are ready to work together with all provinces.

After the speeches, Minister ÖZLÜ and Prof.Dr. ASAN, Uşak Tarhanası, Mersin Tantunisi and İzmir Lokma geographical sign registration, presented to the applicants. Following the ceremony, Minister ÖZLÜ visited the geographical sign stand of 81 provinces, chatted with the representatives of the province and tasted special treats for the regions. The event ended with the catering of Uşak Tarhanası, Mersin Tantunisi and İzmir Lokma.