From Denizli Science, Industry and Technology Provincial Directorate:
According to Article 5 of the Industrial Registry Law No. 6948; Industrial enterprises with an Industrial Registry Certificate must enter the Annual Business Table showing their activities for the previous year (2014) into the Annual Business Table (2014) section via the internet address with their username and password until April 30, 2015.
According to Article 9 of the Industrial Registry Law, an administrative fine of 835.00 (eight hundred and thirty five) TL will be imposed on enterprises with an Industrial Registry Certificate that do not enter their Annual Business Tables into the system within the time limit (until April 30, 2015) in 2015.
In order for our businesses with Industrial Registry Certificate not to be victimized, they must definitely enter the 2014 Annual Business Table into the system at the internet address specified above by April 30, 2015. Detailed information on the subject can be obtained from the Denizli Science, Industry and Technology Provincial Directorate's phone line at 261 43 43.