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Attention to Exporter Members - Egypt Producer Registration System

 Dear Member,

Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union (TOBB) No. 0412/3108 report we received and the date 11/02/2016, T. C. With reference to a letter from the Ministry of Economy, up-to-date information on the registration system established within the Egyptian Export and Import Administration was shared.

In the article, it is stated that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Egypt has recently published its decision dated 16.01.2016 and numbered 2016/43 and this application will come into force on 16.03.2016. It was also emphasized that the GTIP lists of the products covered by the application are included in the annex of the decision.

In addition, it is stated that the Ministry of Economy closely follows the application in question, works are being carried out in order to eliminate the problems encountered, and it is important for the exporters to convey the problems they have experienced to the Ministry in terms of monitoring the application and sharing information fully.

On the other hand, since the issue is a kind of market entry barrier, it would be appropriate for us to forward the problems faced by our exporters to the e-mail address ​​which belongs to the Working Group on Barriers to Entry.

The letter of the Ministry (Annex - 1) containing explanatory information about the application and the information note (Annex - 2) dated 07.02.2016 prepared by the Cairo Commercial Counselor of the Ministry of Economy regarding the said application are attached.