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Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project Promotion Meeting Held

The promotional meeting of the Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project with a budget of 3 million Euro, which is beneficiary of the Ministry of Development, was held on 21 January 2015 in Ankara.

Ministry of Development of the World Bank, the European Commission Delegation to Turkey, Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) and the Development Agencies will be conducted in cooperation with the "Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project inaugural meeting of the Development Minister. Cevdet YILMAZ, World Bank and EU Delegation officials, Ministry of Development and Development Agencies officials participated.

The European Union and which will provide co-financing by the Republic of Turkey "Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project", both regionally and by improving the national level in the investment environment to reduce regional disparities in Turkey and aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

The Regional Investment Climate Assessment Project will help identify bottlenecks in growth and investment at the regional level. To identify bottlenecks, eliminating their removal and Turkey will be an important step to promote private sector development in general. The project consists of four main activities:
(1) Turkey carried out a survey covering general business company in 6000,

(2) Level-2 area of ​​26, separately for each of a total of 26 Regional Investment Climate Assessment report and the preparation of a comprehensive report for the whole of Turkey addition,
(3) Turkey as a road map for increasing the effectiveness of investment incentives and support activities throughout the preparation of the Report of an Investment Support Services,
(4) Capacity building by training staff at central and regional level to conduct regular and independent regional investment climate assessments.

Minister of Development Yilmaz, who made his speech at the meeting, stated that there are development agencies in 26 regions that have brought their institutional structure to a certain point, "We have provided support for 7 thousand 243 projects through development agencies only so far. We have used a resource of 1.9 billion pounds. Of these 4 thousand 147 's private sector projects and only 1 billion pounds to the private sector have transferred nearly $ 1 billion, "he said. Sec. Yılmaz stated that they have established investment support offices in 81 provinces and that they have provided consultancy services to 70 thousand investors so far, and that they should be further strengthened in the coming period.

Candan Umut ÖZDEN, Head of Planning, Programming and Coordination Unit of the Eastern Marmara Development Agency and Ahmet YAZICI, Coordinator of the Kocaeli Investment Support Office, represented the East Marmara Development Agency, while MARKA will actively participate in the field and survey working groups to be held during the implementation phase of the project.