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Bursa Chamber of Commerce Logistics Sector

Logistics Sector Discussed at BTSO
Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO) within the body of the professional committees operating in the sector continues to take steps to solve the problems. BTSO recently discussed the problems experienced by companies operating in the logistics sector regarding insurance. BCCI Altıparmak Service Building at the meeting held BCCI Board Member Policy Duran, Turkey Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) Insurance Agents Executive Committee President Hussein Butcher, BCCI Councilor and 48th Profession Committee Chairman Mehmet Aydin Kalyoncu and committee members and district trade and Members of chambers of industry attended. Speaking at the meeting BTSO Board Member Duran, the work of the committees and councils BTSO said that the direction of the projects. Ilker Duran stated that Bursa was among the leading cities of the country's economy and therefore the economic activities in the city were intensified. President Kalyoncu said that companies operating in the logistics sector have recently faced important problems in the insurance sector. Insurance companies voicing the price differences affect the industry adversely Mehmet Aydin Kalyoncu, "insurance companies price their standard should occur," he said. "The OPERATE WITH PROFESSIONAL TOOL" TOBB Insurance Agents Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hussein butcher the "If logistics sector doing business is growing in all sectors in Turkey means. If you have insurance business is running, ”he said. Stating that there are extraordinary increases in traffic insurance on the basis of the problems experienced by logistics companies, Kasap advised the companies to work with professional intermediaries. Noting that the insurance companies can access all the information about the vehicle with the change made in the tramer system, Kasap said, eniz If you have a good record, you can gain bargaining power in the damage premium. The fact that companies in the sector act together and strongly can provide significant gains ”. Following the speeches, the strengths and weaknesses of the sector and solution suggestions were also reported.