In recent years, studies aimed at measuring social progress, which is a concept that includes other dimensions of life as well as economic dimension, has intensified. In this new, individual-oriented measurement, objective criteria and subjective perceptions of individuals are used together.
Turkey Statistical Institute, first published in the provinces of life index by individuals and households living the objective and subjective indicators using life-size measuring at the provincial level in discrimination, has an index operation for monitoring of comparisons and time. The aim of the study is to develop an indicator system that will serve as a basis for monitoring and improving all aspects of life in the province.
Life index in provinces; housing, working life, income and wealth, health, education, environment, security, civil participation, access to infrastructure services, social life and life satisfaction. . The index is between 0 and 1 and represents a better level of life as you approach 1. Detailed information is provided in the annex of this newsletter.
Isparta took the first place in the life index
Isparta ranked first in the life index with the highest index value of 0.6745. Isparta was followed by Sakarya with 0.6737 and Bolu with 0.6553, respectively. The last place in the index was Mus with the lowest index value 0,2765. Muş was followed by Mardin with 0,2936 and Ağrı with 0,2975 respectively.
İllerde yaşam endeksi, 2015
The first place in the housing index was Sakarya
The highest value in the housing dimension index, which is used as a housing and living space and which is influential in the quality of life of individuals and households by its characteristics, took Sakarya with 0.9369. Sakarya was followed by Sinop with 0.9304 and Bolu with 0.9247 respectively. Ardahan took the last place with the lowest housing index value 0,0860. Ardahan was followed by Ağrı with 0,1647 and Mardin with 0,1675 respectively.
Zonguldak took the first place in the index of working life
Zonguldak received the highest index value of 0.7921 in the dimension of working life, which enabled people to lead a life in which they can access more resources financially, to give them the opportunity to improve their abilities, to feel useful in society and to increase their self-confidence. Zonguldak was followed by Bilecik with 0,7063 and Kütahya with 0,7023. Batman took the last place in the working life with the lowest value 0,0890. Batman was followed by Mardin with 0,0956 and Şırnak with 0,1663.
Istanbul ranks first in income and wealth index
Istanbul received the highest index value in terms of income and wealth with 0.8788, which provides the opportunity to meet the basic needs of individuals and protect against economic and personal risks. Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 0.7972 and İzmir with 0.6553, respectively. Adıyaman took the last place in the income and wealth index with 0,0191. Adıyaman was followed by Ağrı with 0.0646 and Ardahan with 0.0740, respectively.
Isparta ranked first in the health index
Isparta has the highest value in the health dimension index, which is directly related to the quality of life, in terms of the general health status of individuals, the adequacy of health infrastructure and facilities, and satisfaction with health services. Isparta was followed by Bolu with 0,8023 and Rize with 0,7695 respectively. Ağrı took the last place in health index with 0,3014. Agri was followed by Kilis with a value of 0.3192 and Sirnak with a value of 0.3308.
Tunceli ranked first in the education index
Tunceli ranked first in the education dimension index, which has a great importance in providing the necessary knowledge, skills and competences for individuals to participate in society and economy efficiently. Tunceli was followed by Isparta with 0.7370 and Amasya with 0.7036, respectively. The lowest index value in the education index was 0.0966 and Hakkâri took the last place. Hakkâri was followed by Şırnak with a value of 0,1634 and Ağrı with a value of 0.2045.
Kastamonu ranked first in the environmental index
Kastamonu took the first place in the index regarding the environmental dimension which has a direct impact on the current and future health and sustainable life of individuals with a value of 0,8111. Kastamonu was followed by Karabük with 0.7949 and Bilecik with 0.77558, respectively. Iğdır took the last place with the lowest index value 0,1955 in the environmental index. Iğdır was followed by Muş with 0.2469 and Hakkâri with 0.3111.
Artvin takes first place in security index
Artvin took the first place with the highest index value of 0,8222 in the security dimension index which is one of the most basic needs of individuals and which can be considered as a prerequisite for the continuation of other vital activities. Artvin was followed by Sinop with 0.7860 and Gümüşhane with 0.7697. Muğla took the last place in the security index with 0,3210. Muğla was followed by Kilis with 0.4041 and Antalya with 0.4114.
The first place in the civil participation index was Sakarya
Sakarya took the first place with the highest index value of 0,7967 in civil participation, which is an important dimension in terms of announcing their demands, requests and contributing to the management on issues concerning the lives of people in the province where they live. Sakarya was followed by Kocaeli with 0.6512 and Sivas with 0.6179 respectively. The last place in the civil participation index was Hakkari with 0,1017. Hakkâri was followed by Ağrı with 0,1433 and Muş with 0,1773.
Istanbul ranked first in the index of access to infrastructure services
In terms of access to infrastructure services, which represent an important dimension of quality of life in terms of showing the capacity and satisfaction, the highest index value in accessing infrastructure services was İstanbul with 0.9592. Istanbul was followed by Izmir with a value of 0.7483 and Ankara with a value of 0.7355. The lowest value in the index of access to infrastructure services took the last place in Hakkari with 0.0320. Hakkâri was followed by Muş with 0,0989 and Ardahan with 0,1604.
Istanbul ranked first in the social life index
Istanbul has taken the first place in the social life index with 0.6747 which positively affects other life dimensions of individuals such as health and working life through having strong social relations and various social activities. Istanbul was followed by Uşak with a value of 0.6534 and Bolu with a value of 0.6441, respectively. In the social life index, Şırnak took the last place with the lowest value 0,1912. Şırnak was followed by Mardin with 0,1965 and Adıyaman with 0,2034 respectively.
Sinop ranked first in life satisfaction index
Sinop took the first place with the highest index value in the dimension of life satisfaction, which expresses the level of satisfaction arising from meeting the needs and desires that arise in different times and areas of people's lives. Sinop was followed by Afyonkarahisar with 0.9655 and Bayburt with 0.9510, respectively. Tunceli ranked last in the life satisfaction index. Tunceli was followed by Osmaniye with 0,1062 and Diyarbakır with 0,1875 respectively.