The rate of elderly population increased by 17.1% in the last five years
The elderly population (65 years and over) was 5 million 682 thousand 3 people in 2012 and increased by 17.1% in the last five years and became 6 million 651 thousand 503 people in 2016. The proportion of elderly population in the total population increased from 7.5% in 2012 to 8.3% in 2016. 43.9% of the elderly population was male and 56.1% was female.
In 2012, 60.3% of the elderly population was in the 65-74 age group, 32.5% in the 75-84 age group and 7.1% in the 85 and older age group, while 61.5% in 2016 In the 65-74 age group, 30.2% were in the 75-84 age group, and 8.2% were in the 85 and over age group.
Proportion of elderly population by age group, 2012, 2016
In 2016, the elderly population constituted 8.7% of the world's population. The first three countries with the highest aged population were Monaco with 31.3%, Japan with 27.3% and Germany with 21.8% respectively. Turkey was ranked 66 among 167 countries in this ranking.
Expected life expectancy
Life tables, according to the results of 2015, life expectancy at birth is 78 years for Turkey in general, for men was 75.3 years and 80.7 years for women. In general, women live longer than men, and the difference in life expectancy at birth was 5.4 years.
The average life expectancy of a 65-year-old person in our country was 17.8 years. This period was 16.1 years for men and 19.4 years for women. In other words, it is estimated that women who reach the age of 65 will live 3.3 years longer than men.
Life expectancy by age and sex, 2015 Elderly dependency rate was 12.3% in 2016
The rate of elderly dependency, which represents the number of elderly persons per hundred working age, increased from 11.1% in 2012 to 12.3% in 2016.
Sinop has the highest rate of elderly population
The province with the highest rate of elderly population became Sinop with 18.1% in 2016. This province was followed by Kastamonu with 16.5% and Çankırı with 15.4%. The province with the lowest rate of elderly population was Şırnak with 3.2%. This province was followed by Hakkari with 3.3% and Van with 3.6%.
100 years old and was found to be over 5 thousand 232 in Turkey
In 2016, the number of elderly people aged 100 and over, which constitutes 0.1% of the elderly population, was 5,232. With the top three provinces are 680 people with elderly people over 100 years old in Turkey, Istanbul, 237 people with Sanliurfa and 219 people with Ardahan with the first three provinces are 2 people with at least elderly While Ankara, with Bilecik and 7 people with 4 people Bayburt.
Ratio of educated elderly population increased
The rate of illiterate elderly population decreased from 29.2% in 2011 to 21.9% in 2015. In 2015, the rate of illiterate older women was 4 times higher than that of older men. While the rate of illiterate elderly women was 32.6% in 2015, the proportion of elderly men was 8.2%.
When the elderly population is analyzed according to educational background, in 2011, 39.4% of the elderly population is primary school graduates, 4.1% is secondary school or equivalent school / primary school graduates, 4.5% high school or equivalent school graduates, 4.1% The rate of those who graduated from primary school in 2015 was 43%, the ratio of those who graduated from secondary school or equivalent school / elementary school was 5.2%, the ratio of those who graduated from high school or equivalent school was 5.6%, increased to 5.4%.
When the educational level of the elderly population was examined by gender, significant differences were observed between the genders. In all educational levels, the rate of elderly male population was higher than the rate of elderly female population.
While the proportion of elderly men who died in spouses was 12.7%, the proportion of elderly women was 50.4%.
When the elderly population was examined according to legal marital status, significant differences were found between the genders. In 2016, 1.1% of the elderly male population was never married, 83.3% were married with official marriage, 2.9% were divorced, 12.7% of their husbands died, while 2.4% of the elderly women Fame never married, 44% were married in official marriage, 3.3% divorced, 50.4% of his wife died.
76.7% of the elderly living alone were women
According to the results of 2016, 5.4% of the total households and 36% of the total single-person households consisted of single-person households. At least one elderly person was found in 22.5% of the total households. 23.3% of the elderly living alone were male and 76.7% were female.
In 2016, Sinop was the province with the highest rate of single households in total households with 11.1%. Burdur followed this province with 10.7%, followed by Çankırı with 10.4%. The province with the lowest single households was Hakkari with 1.2%. This province was followed by Van with 1.8% and Şırnak with 1.9%.
Poverty rate of elderly population increased
According to the Income and living conditions survey results, equivalent household poverty rate is calculated based on 60% of the median individual income available in 2011 for Turkey, while 22.6% was 21.9% in 2015. This ratio increased from 17% in 2011 to 18.3% in 2015 for the elderly population.
When the poverty of the elderly population is analyzed by gender, the ratio of the poor elderly male population increased from 15.9% in 2011 to 17.8% in 2015. While the ratio of poor elderly women population was 17.9% in 2011, this ratio increased to 18.6% in 2015.
The labor force participation rate of the elderly population was 11.9%
According to the results of the household labor force survey, the labor force participation rate of 15 years of age and over was 51.3% in 2015, while the labor force participation rate of the elderly population was 11.9%. This rate was 19.9% in the elderly male population and 5.8% in the elderly female population. The unemployment rate in the elderly population was 2.4%.
72.8% of the working elderly population took part in the agricultural sector
According to the results of the household labor force survey, when the sectoral distribution of the elderly population is examined, it is seen that in 2015, 72.8% of the elderly population is in the agricultural sector and 20.4% is in the service sector.
The number of elderly benefiting from old age benefit was 620 thousand 19
According to the records of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, according to the Law No. 2022 on Aylık Monthly Connection to the Needy, Powerless and Orphaned Turkish Citizens over 65 Years Old ısı, the number of the elderly benefiting from the payments made to the elderly in need is 620 thousand 19 people, 9.3%. The average annual amount of aid per aged was 2 thousand 548 TL.
One in two elderly satisfied with general health
According to the results of the life satisfaction survey, the rate of elderly individuals who stated that they were satisfied with their general health status increased from 43.1% in 2012 to 45.3% in 2016. The proportion of elderly men who declared their satisfaction with the general health status was 53% in 2016, compared to 39.4% for older women.
Elderly most died of circulatory system diseases
According to the cause of death statistics, 46.3% of the elderly who died in 2015 died due to circulatory system diseases. This disease was followed by benign and malignant tumors with 16.5% and respiratory diseases with 13%.
When the causes of death were examined by sex, the most important difference between the sexes was found to be benign and malignant tumors. The proportion of elderly men who died of benign and malignant tumors was about twice that of elderly women. While the rate of elderly men who died due to benign and malignant tumors was 21.5%, it was 11.6% in elderly women.
The number of elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease increased twice
According to statistics of cause of death, the number of elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease in 2011, 6 thousand 155 in 2015 rose to 11 thousand 997'ye. While the proportion of elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease was 2.9% in 2011, this rate increased to 4.3% in 2015.
When the ratio of elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease was examined by sex, it was seen that there was an increase in both sexes. While the rate of elderly people who died of Alzheimer's disease was 2.4% in men, 3.4% in women in 2011, these rates increased to 3.5% in men and 5.2% in women.
71.7% of children visited all the time or frequently
According to the results of the family structure survey, in 2016, the rate of 71.7%, sometimes 20%, and rarely 8% visits of elderly individuals who do not live in the same house with their children are always or frequently visited by their children. 3.
40.2% of the elderly stated that they wanted to live with their children
According to the results of the family structure survey, in 2016, the rate of elderly individuals who wanted to live with their children when they were too old to care for them was 40.2%, the rate of those who wanted to receive home care services was 38.6%, and the rate of those who wanted to go to a nursing home was 7.7%. The rate of uninformed elderly individuals was 12.9%.
The most important reason for wanting to stay in a nursing home was not to burden the children
According to the results of the family structure survey, the most important reason why elderly individuals wanted to stay in nursing homes when they were too old to care for them in 2016 was that they did not want to be burdened with their children by 48.9%. The second most important reason was that the facilities in the nursing homes were more comfortable with 20.2%, and the third most important reason was that their children did not want to live with them with 11.2%.
Reasons for the elderly to think of a nursing home as a life choice in the future, 2016 The proportion of elderly individuals who declared themselves happy increased
According to the results of the life satisfaction survey, the rate of elderly individuals who stated that they were happy increased from 56.8% in 2015 to 64.5% in 2016. When the general level of happiness is analyzed by gender, 66.2% of elderly men and 63.2% of elderly women declared that they were happy in 2016.
The source of happiness of individuals in old age was their families with 64.2%
According to the results of the life satisfaction survey, the most important source of happiness for elderly individuals in 2016 was their families with 64.2%. The second source of happiness was the children with 18.1%.
The rate of elderly people using the Internet increased by 2.5 times
According to the results of the household information technology usage survey, the rate of elderly individuals in the 65-74 age group using the Internet increased from 3.6% in April 2012 to 8.8% in the same month of 2016. When the elderly individuals using the Internet were examined by sex, it was seen that males used the Internet more than women. While the rate of elderly men using the internet was 12.5% in 2016, the rate of elderly women was 5.8%.