Service sector accounted for the highest number of enterprises and employment
According to the provisional results, 41.7% of the enterprises that were active in 2014 were in the service sector and 39.1% were in the trade sector. Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, (NACE) Rev. In 2 parts, wholesale and retail trade in the first three places; After the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transportation and storage with 15.4% and manufacturing industry with 12.4%.
Number of enterprises, proportional distribution of employment and value added by sectors, 2014
Hizmet sektörü toplam istihdamın %36,1’ini oluştururken; sanayi sektörünün istihdam payı %29,1 oldu. NACE Rev. 2 kısım ayrıntısında ise %26,8’lik pay ile imalat sanayi ilk sırada yer alırken, %23,2 ile toptan ve perakende ticaret; motorlu kara taşıtlarının ve motosikletlerin onarımı, %11,5 ile inşaat sektörü izledi.
Faktör maliyetiyle katma değerde en yüksek pay sanayi sektöründe oluştu
Sanayi sektörü faktör maliyetiyle katma değerde %43,1’lik pay ile ilk sırada yer aldı. Girişimlerin en fazla bulunduğu ve istihdam payı en yüksek olan hizmet sektörünün katma değer payı %30,3 iken, ticaret sektörünün katma değer payı %19,6 oldu.
Katma değerin imalat sanayi bölümlerine göre oransal dağılımı, 2014
NACE Rev. The manufacturing industry sector had a share of 35.5% according to the added value and factor cost created in 2 parts detail. Factor cost created by the manufacturing industry segment was the highest in value added in the production of food products with 11.6%, textile products with 10%, and other non-metallic mineral products with 8.4%.
Transportation and storage sector has the highest share in turnover in service sectors
The transportation and storage sector ranked first with a share of 38.3% in turnover. The other parts having the highest share in the turnover created in services are administrative and support service activities with 12.8%, accommodation and food service activities with 12.5%, information and communication with 11.9% and professional and scientific with 11.1%, respectively. and technical activities followed.
Proportional distribution of turnover by services, 2014
59.6% of enterprises in the manufacturing industry worked with low technology
In the low-tech manufacturing industry, enterprises accounted for 53% of employment and 39.4% of value added at factor cost.
Proportional distribution of key indicators in manufacturing industry by technology level, 2014