The second Time Use Survey, which was first implemented in 2006, was conducted to cover the years 2014-2015. This newsletter contains information about how much time a person spends on a day according to variables such as age, gender, education level, income level and working status.
The most time during the day was asleep
The time allocated to sleep was an average of 8 hours and 48 minutes per day for individuals aged 10 and over in the 2014-2015 period. While women slept on average 8 hours 52 minutes a day, this time was 8 hours 44 minutes in men. While the time allocated to sleep was 8 hours and 35 minutes on average during the week, it increased to 9 hours and 20 minutes at the weekend.
After sleep, the maximum time was allocated to food and other personal care activities with 2 hours and 45 minutes. These activities were followed by household and family care with 2 hours 35 minutes and employment activities with 2 hours 33 minutes.
The time allocated for employment-related activities was higher for men
When the activities of individuals aged 15 and over for 24 hours were examined; The average time spent on employment related activities per person was 2 hours 48 minutes. Working individuals, 5 hours and 52 minutes per day on average, said the employment activities. Working men stated that they allocate an average of 6 hours and 25 minutes a day and working women 4 hours and 32 minutes.
Working women spend 5 times more time on family care than men
When the time allocated to household and family care is examined according to the working status; While the time allocated to this activity by the individuals working at the age of 15 and over was 1 hour 34 minutes, this period was 3 hours 47 minutes for the individuals who did not work.
When the time allocated to household and family care is examined by working status and gender; It was seen that women spent an average of 3 hours and 31 minutes a day and working men allocated 46 minutes.
The higher the education level, the less time spent for social life and entertainment
Turkey is a day on which activities of individuals aged 10 and above in general, some differences were observed when analyzed according to how much time they spend training level.
While the time allocated to social life and entertainment is 2 hours 24 minutes for those who do not finish a school, this period is 1 hour 51 minutes for primary school graduates, 1 hour 44 minutes for primary / secondary or vocational secondary school graduates, 1 hour 36 minutes for high school or vocational high school graduates, college, faculty, 1 hour and 29 minutes for graduate students.
Voluntary work and time for meetings decreased as income increased
When the type of activity and the average activity duration of individuals aged 10 years and over are examined according to the monthly income group of the household; it was seen that the time allocated for voluntary works and meetings decreased as the income group increased. Household members with income between 0-1 080 TL spent 56 minutes for voluntary work and meetings, while this was 27 minutes for 3 181 TL and over households.
Individuals in the age group 10-14 spent more time on hobby and game activities
When the average activity periods are examined according to age groups; It was observed that individuals in the 10-14 age group showed some differences compared to those in the 15 and older age group. It was seen that the individuals in the 10-14 age group allocated time to the training activity with an average of 3 hours and 51 minutes and the time allocated to the education decreased as the age group increased.
Similarly, among all age groups, it was seen that the ones who spent the most time for hobby and play activities and sports and extreme sports activities were individuals in the 10-14 age group. The time allocated to hobby and play activities by the individuals in this age group was 59 minutes and 29 minutes for sports and outdoor sports.
The highest social activity was watching TV with 94.6%
When the distribution of recreational and cultural activities performed by individuals to evaluate their free time in the last four weeks; The most common activities of individuals aged 10 and over were watching television with 94.6%, visiting relatives with 69.9% and visiting friends with 55.7%.
The rate of time spent on social media was 33.9%, 41.7% for males and 26.2% for females.
The average time spent by the individuals in a day was 11 minutes
The activity that individuals spend at least a day was 11 minutes and 10 minutes for sports and extreme sports. Women spent an average of 6 minutes a day for sports activities and 16 minutes for men. It was seen that the activities that the least time was spent after the sport were hobbies and games with 21 minutes, voluntary works and meetings with 43 minutes and training with 46 minutes.
The most common sport activity was walking or jogging
During the last four weeks, the sport activities of individuals aged 10 and over to evaluate their free time were examined.